Wednesday, December 23, 2009

38 weeks and ready to go...or so we think :)

Welcome back all! Hopefully this will be our final post before Baby Foster is here! Within the past week and a 1/2 we have had 2 doctors appointments. Here are the details from each.

Last Wednesday 12/16 we had our 37 weeks appointment. Weighed in at 171, measured at 36.25 cm, and the baby's heart rate was in the 150's (must have been the cheesecake I ate for lunch :) and yes, the white chocolate raspberry was amazing and very worth it!!) When the doctor went to check on any progress, it turns out I was 1 cm and 50% effaced (thinning of the cervix). So exciting!

On Monday 12/21, Chuck and I trekked back to the doc's office to get our updated ultrasound to see how big the baby is and if everything looks good on the inside. So far, they guess-ta-mated the baby's weight at 6.5 (so, we should have a 7/7.5 lb baby when all is said and done! Hopefully it will just slide right on out!!), the head is down (butt is located toward the left and feet are kicking me in my ribs on the right), and the amniotic fluid has gotten two thumbs up! I stayed at 171 lbs (despite my cheesecake from last week and ice cream over the weekend), measured at 37.5cm (which doesn't really mean much...the baby could be stretching when we measured), and the heart rate is at 144. As for progress, we are still at 1cm 50%, so nothing new to report. I was a little surprised as over the past week; things have been aching and pulling, but what else should you expect at 38 weeks!

Please be sure to call or send any recommendations for progression! Have a Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year! Thanks for all your love and support!

1 comment:

  1. Lucy, thanks so much! It has been over a year and I just saw this comment! :) I hope things are well wherever you are and thanks for your support! :)
