Tuesday, July 28, 2009

16 weeks down, 24 to go...

Hello from MD! It has been a bit since our last post and we wanted to send an update on how things are progressing. So far we have had two other doctors appointment and genetic testing done. I've gained 3 lbs, though I think most of my weight has redistributed into my belly area (as shown by the 16 week pic). Right now I am in the in between stages body wise; if you didn't know I was pregnant and ran into me, you would wonder if I was on a Twinkie diet! hehehe.

We have heard the baby's heart beat (so neat) and all's well on that end. Also, the blood tests have come back negative for genetic disorders so thank you for all your prayers! It seems the major change we've encountered so far would be my mood swings, which Chuck is doing an amazing job working with. Never in my life have I even felt so strongly about certain things and if you have a conversation with me, you will know exactly what that means! Filter = gone!

For baby development, here is a neat site to see how things are progressing http://www.pregnancyguideonline.com/ . The most exciting formation about this time is fingernails and the ability to feel the baby move.

As for preparation for the little one, we are waiting until after our August 6th ultrasound to see if we won't be able to find out the gender of the baby. Anyone with suggestions or some hand-me-down ANYTHING please feel free to contact us.

Thanks for all your love and support! Be sure to scroll down to check out the new pics! Till next time...