Friday, May 29, 2009

Our first appointment

On Thursday May 28th, we headed over to GBMC for our very first OBGYN visit while pregnant. It was pretty exciting, esp since this was the first time we'd get to see lil Baby Foster. We ended up getting there about 15 minutes early (for those who know us, that is phenomenal.) Come to find out, our doctor had to run over to the hospital to delivery a baby! We did not mind the wait at all. While waiting, we spoke to the office staff, who are just so nice, and got to know a little more about the doc's in other people's eyes. The practice we choose actually has 3 OBGYN's. As soon as she was done delivering that baby, she had another delivery. It was no worries; if we were going to be the parents at the hospital, we'd hope that she would be there for our delivery. So about an hour later we met our doctor who is just wonderful. She first gave us our ultrasound to see the baby and measure for growth. It was so wild to see an itty bitty little thing there, no bigger than a bean (hehe) and this fast flash that was the heart beat. Chuck swears he saw two :) but the doc said there was only one. Afterward we went into her office where I proceeded to whip out 4 pages of typed questions (i know i was almost more a test to see if she minded...hehehe...who am I kidding...I really had that many questions :)!) We found out that the practice has been there for 10 years, most of the staff being there that whole time and the youngest member has been there for 4 years. She delivers 10-20 babies a month (good number; if it is around 10 then you get time and attention) and delivers around 80% of her patients. It was such a relief to know that she will most likely be able to deliver the baby AND she will be in town around the due date of 1/6/2010 (on in my words 'o' 10 :)) (oh yea, our big announcement will be at week 10 so you only have 2 more weeks to keep it on the DL!:)) We will see her every month until 28 weeks. We will then see her every 2 weeks until 36 where we go weekly. The neatest appointments will be our next one (where we will hear the heart beat) the ultra sound at 18-20 weeks and then at 36 weeks. For those of you planning to stick around for labor and delivery, it looks like there can be 5 people in the room for labor and 3 in the room for pushing (we all know that labor should only be an hour or so hahahaha.) For the pushing part we have chose both our mom's to join us (I am sure you could make a bit of money if you want to sell your spots hehehe.)

We are so excited and are just blessed with all the support everyone has given us. Love you and will keep you posted!