Friday, October 30, 2009

less than 10 weeks la la

We are on the final stretch ladies and gentlemen. Hands and feet are starting to appear at random times from my belly, bending over is def. a chore, staying up past 11 is nearly impossible, and I find myself waddling at different points throughout the day! Chuck is so wonderful, giving me a nightly back massage, cooking dinner more, and helping take Sully outside. Last week I weighed in at 163, bringing the total weight gain to 14 lbs! The baby is def. growing! My uterus is up 4 cm taking the total measurement to 29 cm, right on schedule. We've officially hired a Doula, who we will meet next week to discuss our birth plan (more so what we would like, not what will happen...that is up to the baby that day :).

As for the other major steps, we spoke to the doctor about the concerning flu season. We weren't really planning on getting the swine flu shot (reg seasonal flu shot we've already got) but it has hit our area and more specifically preg mom's from our doctors office. Soooo, Tuesday I bit the bullet. They say it takes about 5-7 days for your body to build up most antibodies and a full 14 days for your body to be ready to go, so if any of you are not feeling well, esp have had a fever, cough, etc within the past 48 hours (of coming into contact with us) or even have been around people with these symptoms (you can be a carrier for 24 hours and not know you have it), I love you, but stay far away. They've also suggested anyone who will be the primary caretaker for the baby in the first 3 months to get both flu shots as well since the baby can't get vaccinate until 6 months. At 36 weeks, Chuck will be able to get his. Good information to know! And we were not able to tour the OB facility. All the hospitals in the area went on lock down with the H1N1 so they have cancelled all tours for the rest of the year. It stinks but if we were delivering at this time, I wouldn't want everyone stompin through with their germs.

As for names, we had a few in mind (but a still open to suggestions and thoughts. Heck, we may meet this wonderful baby and think a completely different direction). For a girl, we are up in the air about first names but the middle name will most likely be Lynn. With the last name of Amadore...hehehe j/k Foster :). For a boy, Charles Joseph Foster V, #5 :) with a nickname of probably Joe, or Joey...heck maybe even the full Charles (when everyone is in a room here is how the nicknames go: Great Grampa is Chum, Grampa is Chuck, Dad is Charlie). That's where we are so far.

November will bring so much activity, Easton baby shower (with Gramma Doyle's famous Christmas cookies), Baltimore "open house" (so excited for it being coed), and Thanksgiving (eating thirds this year :)). Just remember, 10 weeks left means Christmas is 8 weeks away! How about them apples?!?!? Till next time...

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